Disney News and Updates plus (Spiderman movie- No Spoiler)
On this weekend edition of Unlocking The Magic, we get to share our thoughts (without giving away any spoilers) about the newest Spiderman movie, Spiderman Homecoming and the many reasons why we think this is a must see movie. Actor Tom Holland was born to play this role and he takes the story to a place that we so desperately craved.
Also on the show, we discuss a few listener emails and give our opinions on some recent Disney news.
Things to listen for:
- Why you should watch Captain America, Civil War before seeing Spiderman
- Changes to Disney’s Yacht Club Resort
- The live stream of Disney’s Fourth of July fireworks inside the Magic Kingdom
Mentioned In This Episode:
- Our live show on Monday nights
- Support the show on Patreon
- Upcoming Disney Cruise
- Our new YouTube Channel Subscribe 🙂
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Also, come talk to us on Twitter & Facebook and see the photos from our recent trips on Instagram. That’s it for now! Until next time, have a great (and of course magical) day.