Magic Kingdom Trip Recap
On this episode, we recap our day at the Magic Kingdom from our “rope drop” to closing experience. While we used to be against heading to the park early am (our kids like to sleep in) we have to admit, getting there as soon as the Kingdom opens, aka rope drop, is essential especially during the busy season at Walt Disney World. With an essentially empty Tomorrowland, we are now believers in this strategy.
Things to listen for:
ALL. THE. FOOOOOOOD: Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe, Waffles,
Our Best moments
Hide and Seek Tom Sawyer Island
Finding lizards
Making friends on Big Thunda (Big Thunder Mountain)
Sitting in the front Space Mountain
Mentioned In This Episode:
- Our live show on Monday nights
- Support the show on Patreon
- Upcoming Disney Cruise
- Our new YouTube Channel Subscribe
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Also, come talk to us on Twitter & Facebook and see the photos from our recent trips on Instagram. That’s it for now! Until next time, have a great (and of course magical) day.