Unlocking The MailBag: Disney World Travel Questions Answered
On this episode, we finally unlock the mailbox to answer your messages, emails, and more. We hope that our answers help you to have the very best Walt Disney World vacation. Oh and a special thanks to all of you who sent along bullet points of your questions so that Bruce remains fully engaged and ready to answer! HA!
- My kids and I are traveling to Disney world this coming Tuesday !!! This is our first trip and we are so excited! We are celebrating their June birthdays! My kids are 10 and 13! Do you have any tips for a single mom traveling with two kids and do you have any pointers for some fun special ways to celebrate birthdays while on our trip? Thanks so much!! You guys are amazing and make me smile!!! Can’t wait to try out the people mover and Tom Sawyer island after hearing your great insider tips!!!
- Good Afternoon, Quickly, thank you. This is the best Disney vacation podcast I have found. You guys are great to listen to. We are going to Disney in August (about 6 weeks away) with another couple. Our girls are four years old and best friends. One of the boys is two, the other is only one. My daughter went on a Disney trip (2 days in the park and four on the cruise) but only remembers what she sees in our memory book. The other little girl has never been. How far out should we tell them we are going? Do you have any tips to make telling them special or fun? Are there any pitfalls we should avoid?
- I have been listening to your podcast for the past month or so and love it! My family will be heading to WDW next summer for my youngest first trip ever, and my oldest first trip that he’ll remember! They’ll be 3 1/2 and almost six at the time and I wondered what your advice is for fireworks with them?? Neither of them nap anymore (even now) but going from a character breakfast to Happily Ever After at 2115 seems unlikely even for me in my 30s, let alone them but I want them to experience the magic! Advice?? My in laws will also be joining us and I should add that my little guy has more energy than anyone I’ve ever met, except my Labrador!
- I recently started listening to the podcast and I love it! The 30 minute length is perfect, the episodes are entertaining and informative, and you and your husband are hilarious! My question is: do you have any tips for navigating a multi-generational trip to Disney World? We are going this summer with our five year old daughter (her first trip to WDW!) and my in-laws. The planning is mostly complete; we’re staying at Beach Club, and we have our fast passes and dining reservations all set up. I know my daughter is going to lose her mind at the parks (all she wants to do is ride a rollercoaster and meet a princess), and we’re already planning to pace ourselves for her sake. However, I can also already hear my mother-in-law complaining about the heat and the crowds. Is there a way to keep everyone happy, aside from stopping for ice cream every half hour?
- Hi! I love your podcast so much. I’m currently catching up on all of the older episodes since I only started listening a few months ago when I was having the Disney blues. Anyways, onto the question: I was just listening to it to celebrate that I’m going to Disney in a month. Which I’m booking within the next few days. I’ve never planned for a Disney trip within such a short time period and I was wondering if you had any recommendations? I’ve been to Disney a ton with my parents, but this will be my friend time going on my own with a friend as a graduation trip. Thanks in advance!
Shortened for Bruce:- Last minute trip tips?
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- Upcoming Disney Cruise
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Also, come talk to us on Twitter & Facebook and see the photos from our recent trips on Instagram. That’s it for now! Until next time, have a great (and of course magical) day